Bro what was that Discrete Structure 2 midterm 💀
make on campus friends
Taking COMP 2402 with Alina, any tips?
Youth Unemployment Peaceful Protest in Toronto
Uni Student Seeking Advice...
Even Harvard kids are shaking now 😭
I didn’t get into any of my CS choices. Is it over for me?
What’s the least known but coolest major at Carleton?
Report Analysis | We're Getting Poorer: GDP per Capita in Canada and the OECD | Fraser Institute
Renfrew House
Don't major in CS just for the job prospects (unless you have a genuine interest in the field)
Need advice with timetable
Fee estimator (per year or semester)?
Should I just give up?
best double room
I need a job plssss I’m desperate 🥺
I'm so cooked
Canada's economy is losing momentum — quickly
OSAP requesting proof of income statement
P.E.I. updates population plan, aiming to slow growth to let services catch up
me scrolling through this sub to see a lot of doomposting and how cooked we all are before sleeping (I'm not even in college)
Transactional marriages help fuel surging Punjab exodus to Canada: study
co-op advice needed
How are the tests in PHIL 2003
Official GTA VI Trailer Video