I love my weirdo tortie.
What are the moments for you in the show where it was getting a bit too real to handle
What's something you try to have an open mind about and look at through a different lens, but regardless your opinion mostly stays the same?
Can We Take A Minute To Appreciate Dawnie's Hair Here?
How many times have you watched all the seasons of Buffy?
What makes Giles a fan fav?
My thoughts on this truly amazing show
‘Final Destination’ was released in theaters 25 years ago today. The film turned franchise went on to make 4 additional movies, with a 5th one coming May 16th later this year. Which movie is your favorite/least favorite?
I wish Buffy and Kate had more scenes
Who is your celebrity crush at the moment?
Rant: Season Seven sucks so much
Can we have a discussion?
Women of Reddit: What are some things that women say that only women would understand?
True to life on Buffy
The REAL most evil character
If you could be a background actor in any episode which one would it be?
If You Could Go Into The Show and Change Any Moment, Would What It Be?
Possibly Controversial Opinion About Hush (4.10)
Unpopular opinion - I don't really like Randy
Thoughts on Buffy (season 4)
Who's the most iconic Buffy villain
My Buffy cosplay props for Toronto Comicon this weekend🥀
Who is the most iconic Angel villain?
Buffy was supposed to be with angel for life
Yet Cordelia never makes fun of Buffy for being a Jesus freak …