Which one you choosing?
May have slightly overestimated the speed needed for this one 😅🤘🚀
Float Hub-an amazing leap forward
Pint hydrus 5205 firmware sudden nosedive VIDEO recreating behavior
Bad GTV motor behavior
FYI for folks waiting on BTG Thundercat 🐱🛞
GT-V losing power at 10pm
Out of curiosity, what is the Max grade an ADV2 can handle?
San Diego Trails are pretty gnarly to race on 😳
Getting Dialed day by day with these Kush Hooks 🦅
Pint Firmware (Hydrus 5205) - Nosedive / Braking Cutout Issue Log
Any idea how to clear this error message? I followed the steps in Surfdado’s video guide and still see this warning each time I connect to Float Control.
Got my new ADV2 and followed Surfdado’s guide. Charged up to full and footpad sensors respond correctly, however board doesn’t engage when I stand on it. Am I missing a step or calibration? Please help! Also how do I get on the discord group?
Getting back to dialing in some jumps 👌
Floatwheel is quite responsive to Adv2 service request.
Head-to-Head ONEWHEEL Pump Track Race! | WheelFunWeekend 4
New battery for XRV
ORL 2025 Changes
Dismount compared to OG Pint
Found a new fun trail!!
Future Motion or VESC?
XRV IMU Calibration Difficulties after Reinstalling VESK v6.02
DirtSurferz Enduro 2024 | VESC Onewheel Racing
BTG, build advice/ suggestions...
I love seeing the tire deforming