So quirky, so original
How the hell do I shower more
Boone is crawling. BUT this is called "asymmetrical crawling" and is often not developmentally appropriate.
Do you believe that if you can’t sell on the product, you must sell yourself instead?
Have you ever burned a professional bridge and how did your career fair?
Posting for friend: " no record of income seen in 12 months" impossible? What's going on
So long sales. I took an AM spot at my current company. Roast me if you like.
Solie would love gilead🫥🫥🫥😵💫🥴🥴🥴
The Cynthia Ariana relationship
My grandfather is from one of the wealthiest families in North Korea before escaping to South Korea before the Korean War. AMA (Ask him anything)
Legitimate side hustles for sales
Sales community round of applause
What Industries Would You Recommend Your Child Go Into?
Alcohol consumption of new partner
What am I doing wrong? Great sales history but swing and a miss with applying
Agentforce 2.0
Back to the USA already
Jessie finally gets a hoyer lift after being wronged by insurance for 6+ years
I kid you not, here she is giving a tour of a public bathroom
Hello soldiers. Reminder that PMF and timing is 95 percent of this.
No hiding it; terrible fit.
Why are sales people so bad at sales?
Tips on sustaining a low buy lifestyle? Impulsivity = bad for wallet.
Cold Calling Business Cell Phones
Completely blindsided - Wife wants divorce after I catch her sexting her boss, blames who I was as when we dated.