Why are my professional readings always so negative?
Why are you poly if it causes trouble and is an emotional rollercoaster?
i’m worried my partner isn’t ready for this
Desperately needing advice, husband told me he wants to try poly relationship after already having a girlfriend.
Lost Tarot Daughter
Today I am a happy hinge (meeting of the metas)
I don’t know how to be okay with my partner being polyamorous
Was my Grandfather Murdered?Justice Reversed
Things you are owed from your metas
I’m a fraud
Two partners asking to go to same event
Reaching Out To Filmmakers?
Finally, a review of Moby Dick that I agree with
/r/BadReads struggles with Moby Dick
Do actors typically get access to all the footage for their reels?
Is it just me, or are temp agencies not as helpful as they used to be?
Can Tarot Reflect Aspects of Sexuality?
A Weird Situation: Do I need to repeat that I'm polyamourous?
Are there any games with engaging After You've Beaten The Boss content?
what to you are cards with naughty meanings
I struggle to understand the wands. Do you have any personal examples of how the wand energy has manifested in your life?
I bought this game years ago
How many times a week do you see your partners?