I have a slightly out of range result; could this be nothing?
Opinions on cholesterol test?
These are results taken 3 months apart; thoughts?
Is this sleep apnea? I have a deviated septum, and I have been consistently tired lately
Apparently hand writing isn’t clear enough
Can I calculate my stroke volume from this data?
The results from this are giving me a cardiac output of 1650 ml a minute
Mind is blown; cardiologist worked my cardiac output at 1650 ml per minute
What data do I go off here? ALL AVERAGES OF DATA ON LAST PHOTO
Update: what data do I go off here? ALL AVERAGED OF DATA ON LAST PHOTO
What do I do?
BP update
Is this normal?
Pulse pressure is 80, BP is 120/40
Should I worry about anything sinister?
Blood pressure is everywhere: any suggestions?
Can someone with plaque in their 20s live a long healthy life until 80s?
Arterial stiffness?
Arterial stiffness? High PP, cold extremities etc
Arterial stiffness? 23 (M), massive discrepancy in BP, plus other symptoms
Are these results any good?
Help me decipher my CRP and cholesterol levels please