Date (@ xinzoruo)
I believe that each one of them has a quirk with a food in particular
Trigger by _M_Alexa_
What exactly is HoyoFest?
I pray to the Gacha Gods that my Trigger summons go well cuz GOOD LORD I need her… 😭🙏
Trigger's BACKup
Just give us the big booty sniper already
I can't hear anything other than clapping😭
Do you think that Vivian is a yandere?
Soldier 11 hugging Trigger (by @Greenyscrapy)
Is this even possible?
Cute Belle over the counter
Why does it look like these two are smooching?
Short 12 to 30 episode comedy animes
If their faction is full of Tigers I'm already sold as I like martial arts charas and my chinese zodiac is the Tiger
Where are the cars??
Trigger watches over the proxy like a guardian angel or something
This team trial : Trigger's Assist attacks + S.Anby's movements + both Electric effects , i can barely see S.Anby's mark so i just i guess if the mark is full then use skill or sometimes i dont care anymore if its half or full mark i just spam skill
Alright, tell me what punishments we should give them for hurting our baby girl.
Earlier someone wished for a ninja agent for 2025 and I rememebered seeing this on Bardic Needle's front along with Astra's poster. We need more Oni's too!
Bored and slightly sleep deprived so i made a silly character prediction bingo.
Come out wise
Drew that one NPC Im obsessed with
I just love this team man, it' just smooth af (M0r1 Eve, M0R0 others )