Which hair color suits me?
Please rank my baby names
Panic about work
Finally found them on my local library. What am I getting into?
1st time feeling baby- was it obvious?
Feeding the toddler
Which color suits me better?
Baby name idea!
Funny Gender Assumptions
Kisses on infant
Senna- How do we feel?
Husband thinks it’s okay to curse at 2 month old
When did someone offer to throw you a baby shower?
Annoying things my MIL has said since finding out I’m pregnant
I feel like a piece of pregnant trash
38 1/2 weeks … what were your first signs of labor?
Why aren’t people germ aware
Going on 8 weeks pregnant. How much are y'all eating?
What's your "I'm starting a new save" routine?
[NO SPOILERS] Day 8: Morally grey and hated by the fans
How long after stopping birth control did it take you to get pregnant?
Highly recommend “Buy Now” on Netflix
We’re at a bit of a baby name impasse
[NO SPOILERS] Day 7: Good person & hated by fans
[NO SPOILERS] Day 6: Horrible person & opinion are divided