What are the most beautiful 2D RPGs you’ve played?
More less popular systems
I want to play some Yakuza games. Is Yakuza 0 a great way to start?
Getting ripped off by a shitty game at the arcade was the worst! I want my $0.50 back, Sega of America! This thing sucks!!!
Real Photo of Flip 2 (Crosspost r/Retroid)
Real Photo of Flip 2
The missing device in my collection
Grandia captures the feeling of going on an adventure so well
What’s your dream handheld that is feasible and you wish would be made this year?
Just started Kiwami 2. What should I expect?
has anyone wore out their analog sticks from their handhelds?
How the Philippines is viewed in my country
So, What are you all going to buy?
Those who have handheld gaming PCs and gaming Desktop/Laptops, how often do you play the handheld over your full PC?
I want one of these companies to make a phone
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo was extremely addictive.
What's your favorite 3D beatemup?
Which characters from the Majima Pirate game you could see returning in a mainline game or even in Judgment?
With all due respect - LOWER YOUR STANDARDS.
Yeah… I think this is my endgame device.
What game first comes to mind when you see this?
Thoughts on the current/soon to released 2025 handhelds?
Seeing Sega Saturn games somewhat work on such small devices makes me really happy!
Poll "how old are you" but also information on how many devices you got
What one are you choosing?