First season pushing for title
Careers in IT without a university degree
Giveaway 2x Path Of Exile 2 Early Access Keys
Good day to be an American
Tanks aren't the problem for PUGs nowadays; healers are. And for good reason.
Is Corki and Tahm Kench racist?
Another stealth hunter nerf has dropped - pets no longer get World buff
Ik heb 14 dagen in een ingestorte tunnel gezeten. Dit was de eerste foto vlak na mijn bevrijding. AMA
Currently smoking an ounce a week and it’s become ridiculous
Returning player guide
Why did you choose Azure over other Cloud Services providers?
Looking for HC level buddy - EU stitches
RIP TAFIBALD - DC death at 48
Hoe zeggen jullie dat je moet je kakken?
Een vraag voor de Belgische chauffeurs, is het verboden om op rechts vak van de autostraden te rijden of moet je daar voor betalen ?
I need to set up a cloud based VPN, I'm not sure if Azure VPN is a good fit for my needs
I parse low in raids but do high keys like it's nothing?
Im in an IT role, without a formal IT education/training. How do I establish a fundamental understanding?
Adding a 💀 to the end of a sentence instantly makes it funnier
Allez, er is toch ene slimme in de klas
Recent chatgpt discussion on twitter
Art work on buildings
Ma'am, this is not where we dock!
Would you allow job advertisements or recruitment on this sub?