Pick one
that kai cenat stream feel like he communicating with an apparition using an ouija board live 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Playboi Carti every Thursday night at 11:59
JUST IN: Time travellers leak popular rapper Playboicarti's Discography from the year 2103 👀
Does anyone else get a little bit tired just by looking at this cover. im exhausted gng 💔
I've lost the plot
lets all start pretending wdgaf so the album drops faster
Սատանան ձեր ճիրաններում կպահի ձեր հոգին, նա ձեզ կմղի դեպի հավերժական խավար, կզգաք դժոխքի կրակոտ փոսերը, կայրեք, մինչ մենք ծիծաղենք
what will you guys do
If the album is already done why doesn’t he jus drop it???
Looking to start listening to Push
Hear Ye Him is better than every Push and Clipse album that isn't Hell Hath No Fury and Daytona.
Which outro is better?
i cant get enough of this PEAK
What your favourite untitled song?
Name a better kendrick 3 song run than
"If we go by connections made, I can still climb ladders when complexions fade"
Day 6: Best kendrick song that starts with F
"I could never be a thug they don't dress this well"
The first Kendrick song you heard that turned you into a fan?
Bro does anyone else have the diet coke mv ENGRAINED into their head?
What is yalls opinion on these two songs?
What we thinking of this line ⁉️⁉️