Mame i tate, što davati bebi za doručak?
Kako početi čitati knjige ?
Am I the only one that struggle with uploading video previews in AppStore connect?
People misspell App name and can’t find it
za sto ljudi stalno brane ovu industriju?
Zašto Banožić nije u zatvoru?
How screwed am I? I originally said my game was “made for kids” as it had nothing inappropriate. I want to remove that classification to allow iAP but apple won’t let me without changing app ID
Problemi sa par kolega na poslu
Appstore connect analytics for My App, whats wrong in ASO? help if you can
ASO (App Store Optimization) Tips for My App?
How did your very fussy baby turn out?
Marokanac (34) u Puli pokušao silovati ženu (60). Pratio ju po gradu, pa s nje trgao odjeću...
Roasting/Feedback needed – nova iOS igra
HBO Easter egg
What could cause this, I even added more keywords, it's just keeps getting worse :(
Jesu li susjedi u pravu?
Really struggling with ASO for my app which doesn't rank for keywords
Got rejected for duplicate promotional image many times
What happens if I don’t say I'm a trader?
IAP - No sold units - what ad provider to choose
Blue and white keksi
Zašto je danas nemoguće biti domaćica?
Unable to enroll to apple developer program from any device
Experience with AppAdvice or IndieAppSanta?