Canada Greener homes loan
"But you can't get Canadian lettuce!" - False.
Should I accept more credit if it is pre approved or no
Let's Supercharge the Canadian Movement
Canadians living in the US, at what point do you pack up and leave?
How do you feel about this?
What a great find at my pharmacy. Made in North Van!
"We Used to Be the Best of Friends" from Canadian Singer/Songwriter Jim Cuddy
He's my friend. He's 20. I love him.
Thought that this belonged here since it’s Americans boycotting the wotsit ruler and his toupee… Trump power grab tripped up by distinctly American resistance - Rachel Maddow (12-min video)
Trump power grab tripped up by distinctly American resistance - Rachel Maddow (12-min video)
Coffee Syrups?
From Scotland, with love
Thank you for delicious food options Canada
Craving McDonalds but don't want to support a US company? --Make your own Big Mac Sauce!~
Canceled all* my US based services
Eczema just topic starter.
NDP asks province to cut PST on groceries, something Sask. premier says doesn't exist to begin with
“A vote for anyone other than me is a vote for Darren Hill”
She's not a kitty... But... It might work!
What Would Jess Do?
Hannah's toofs. So teeny.
I want to join them
All three Assistants are amazing in their own right. But no one can Taskmaster like Greg.
Greg and Alex on American TV
MERRY NISHMAS - alex horne and sophie duker build greg davies in a hot tub for lego masters while nish kumar watches