idk if i'll ever finish this, but here's perfected E.G.O draedon (WIP)
It only takes three words to fill you with impending doom.
Homelander vs spidey who wins?
i climbed to celestial with a black stripe on my screen
Players in the wrong uniforms, Pt. 1
Answering no to “wanna go out with me”
From Wirtual’s first 92BOB video 💀
People are really talking about this video.
Do it
What class do you usually play?
Funny Phrases you say for characters you play?
MLB players voted on who they think is the best defensive player
which community is more insane
Which games releasing this year are a day one must purchase for you?
Can we be done yet?
These stars were popular among their peers
How old were you when The Simpsons came out? (17 Dec, 1989)?
Let's see those suggestions
The first deaf man to get platinum trophy on marvel rivals
I swear, these are some of the most annoying characters in the game
I better not hear Fortnite for those reasons
How Gay Are Ya'll?
Tell me your name and I’ll add it on my shirt
Would you rather have a picture of Washington, or hear the voice of Lincoln?
I just came