First 4* Uber unique, I would be excited but...
5 years and 4 months to the date
Start of the collection
Foehammer on PC but not Xbox
What were the warning signs before someone you know killed themselves?
Material recommendation needed.
this game is filled with good people, but here's an example of a bad egg
Is it bad to be a 3 star?
I'm all stocked up! (Lets hope KI doesn't nuke my account)
I think Wizard101 should have all membership benefits on forever, what do guys think?
All I did was pick it up from the handle
Minifigure collection
Did I get my husband the wrong lego set?
75280 AR-RT stud shooter replacement
Look who I found at my local mall
What’s a set that you still need to get before it retires?
First alternate builds
Collection is starting again
My alternative build of the 75342 (with only pieces from the set)
Getting back into Lego Starwars after 10+ years
I rearranged all my Lego shelves and this is the final product (until I get more)
What happened to the smartest kid in your class?
I thought I was making friends, but I'm just a DM
16 hours from now I can get my own Archon set on Xbox. I cant get the void heart time skip working. So starting tomorrow I'll help others get their Archon after I got mine, om Xbox