Saving people from Rein charges is always satisfying
Reentry has been patched to 0.99.58 - Bug fixes, TLI fixes, Lesson Updates
Update 0.99.56: Bug Fixes, QOL, VR improvements, translation updates
Update 0.99.54: Campaign and Academy Fixes, Bug Fixes
Adding second fan to a NHD-15S?
Reentry has been patched to 0.99.53 - hot fixes related to CSM entry
Update 0.99.50: Bug Fixes, VR, CM GDC, checklist logic
Update 0.99.45: Apollo DAP, ORDEAL, Translations, Bug Fixes
Update 0.99.42: One Giant Leap, Mission & Language Updates, Bug Fixes
Artifact just shot up to 12,000 players?
Update 0.99.40: A trip to Skylab
New Achievements! Suggestions for achievements? (Update 0.99.36)
Reentry has been patched to 0.99.35
Acquired some Zen merch for maximum transcendence
Reentry has been patched to 0.99.34
Reentry has been patched to 0.99.33 (hot fixes)
One of the better compliments I've received
Update 0.99.31 is out! - Gemini, GT-3, VR, Atmosphere, Rendering, Fixes
Update 0.99.30 is out! - New Historical Missions, Mercury Updates, Bug Fixes
Steam Space Exploration Fest: Apollo 13
Update 0.99.26 is out! - New LM and Apollo features, QOL fixes, Bug Fixes
Update 0.99.25 is out! - LM lights, CM SECS and TrackIR CTD fix
Reentry has been patched to 0.99.24
Update 0.99.23 is out! - Blocking fixes and mission updates
Community Made Tools for Reentry and the Reentry UDP API