OCD eventually matures to Pure-O
When did you first start having intrusive thoughts?
Born with vs OCD later in life
Anyone else in denial that they have OCD?
Do antidepressants induce twitching / hypnic jerks?
Do you also like your own body odors?
Anyone want to be OCD buddies?
How many trays are too many?
Day 3 of Zoloft, please help convince me not to quit already
Fear of having schizophrenia
Is this gap an issue? :(
Can OCD make you suicidal? Trigger warning for mentions of suicidal thoughts.
How bad is the starting pain?
Is 50mg enough to cause weight gain?
Day 1!
What do you think of dating apps?
10 weeks, feel like I'm not making progress.
Losing motivation
Another newbie
What age did your OCD develop?
Anyone with GERD here on Zoloft?
How tf do celebrities avoid HPV???
How do you deal with relapse?
What OCD has "taken" for you?
how does zoloft-induced insomnia feel?