Picking heroes or compositions in rivals raked...accurate or nah?
I hate base Gotenks
"Challenge The Limits! Festival Of Battles" ALL ENEMIES
Please fix multiple energy decks
Never leaving the top 10
Got him is he a fraud? (I wanted Gohan)
What is the most horrible death ever depicted on screen?
Behold, my incredible collection of EX cards from over 40 packs.
Finally gave in and bought it
Games that grew on you after 1-2 years on your 2-3rd try?
Thoughts on trainer winny's ''cheat sheet'' for how often you should work each muscle?
Whats your worst pull on the new banner, ill go first.
Soooooo, is this one worth going for? I really want both gotenks and jiren
i feel scammed from the 150 pull
patriot rocket hitbox issue
Should I get an ipad?
Giveaway #1: Copy of Sparking Zero, platform of your preference
Has anyone done or is doing 1001MSC - Chemistry of Biological Systems I?
Weapons Randomize wheel
As Promised… GIVEAWAY!!!
Name your favorite character
Artificial Lifeforms Beast Gohan Mission
Is this right?
Community tier list
[OFFICIAL] UFC 305 Live Discussion Thread