What does this reward mean?
One Piece: Chapter 1143
[OCG] Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG & Rush Duel Next Turn Stream on March 26 20.00 PM JST
So is animation chronicle done for ?
Chibi Ojama Trio, Gearfried the Iron Knight, Honest and Skull Servant in Battles of Legend: Monster Mayhem
[DUAD] VJump Reveal - New Psychic Monsters
The aki figure made me realize how her clothes work
Black rims suck
I love how according to Yugi himself, Trap cards can not only destroy the opponent's field. They also deal direct EMOTIONAL damage to the opponent! Apparently, they can destroy the opponent's mind!
Which Chronicle effect do you prefer the most?
Konami in a Nutshell. They're really taking care of their Rush players
One Piece Chapter 1141 Spoilers
Does anyone remember where this icon is from?
Prismatic Cards in the Box Chips
Is this deck still relevant? Or not anymore in the current meta?
Leaks: February App Update - Maddox (Manabu) skills, some cards, Yuri skill
Is Joey the only character to ever brick in the entire Yugioh anime?
[OCG] The Next VJump Promo
Which Character from any Yu-Gi-Oh's Anime leaves you with a "Who?" expression when someone mentions him or her or when you see him or her appear again in another Episode?
What's your opinion on the Yugioh anime handling romance? I personally believe 5Ds did it the best.
[OCG] First Look at Duelist Advance
Hope you all had good Royal Rare pulls
How lucky were you with the 3 gifted royal UR cards?
Anyone thinking we EVER get a New Summoning Mechanic for the Normal Game?
A list of potential alt style of characters we have right now