Не, че не си го знаем, но какво вече не можем да постигнем и за 600 години.
Не пийте урина в кен!!
Dude had no honor started attacking when I bowed I almost had him too 😭🤦♂️
Алфа рисърч: 59% искат да сме с ЕС, едва 14% с Тръмп
This patch makes me want to quit
revert high roller zone
Blood seeker is kinda broken no? (in archon at least)
Не дишай смърт
Too bad hotswapping is gone.
Circles and fog🫠
What is the deal with this chest at the academy guys, what does it take to open it
After 1500 hours I think SDF has cooked one final time for me
The community wanted a rework of the red stairs; instead, we got terrible, recycled game mechanics.
How do we boss?
Quick lil poll
Somewhat new around here. Is every experienced player this good at dealing with Landmine. (Bad Crop/Never Edited b4)
Dark and Darker leaves Epic Games store RIP all the Free Legendary Accounts
Айде вече сме 4-ти Март и можем да спрем с лицемерието! :)
5 години в гимназия - как ви се струваха?
Коя е първата игра, която ви накара да осъзнаете, че игрите могат да бъдат страшни?
Нашият най-голям партньор обмисля да не ни защитава повече
Merchants offering same gear as squire
Ако не знаете как започват гражданските войни - започват така!
I did It. Was it worth? No. Do i regret it? No. Please Ironmace never again
Guess the Hero