Accept the $40mil offer?
What Emulator Should I Use?
What is the last pokemon?
Just finished season 90 any questions about players teams etc. (Most of world)
Pokemon that you think should get a Mega Evolution?
What does your favorite pokemon say about you?
Weekly Questions Thread & PokéROM Codex
First Ever Takeover
Renegade platinum
What’s the rarest skin you own?
I am fighting the good fight to perserve the cultural history of our childhoods so that it does not get lost to time or corpo greed!
Save file
I simulated 500 years in the future ask me anything
Have you ever had a newgen that immediately became one of the best players in the world in your save at the age of 16/17? (pic unrelated)
I tried making balance changes for the next month, did I cook?
Not sure if this is the right subreddit but how would I solve this equation?
What's your most dramatic recent match?
How do you type something like this and think it’s perfectly ok?!
500,000 Subscriber Gem Giveaway!
I think I’ve found my soul mate 🤍
Belle's voicelines explained (maybe)
The best advertisement ;)
When you spend 20 hours on some drawings: