Where are my fellow infantrypaglus?? everyone here is crazy for airforce!!!
Woman slaps the wrong guy unprovoked, hoping that her knight will protect her
Which Laptop to buy from these
Shree Narasimha ji trolling Hiranyakashyap
My 8 year old brother is turning misogynistic
Can I take creatine straight from the go? Or should I wait a month or two ?
I invite you all to read the Arabic Tafsir of this underlined part : Quran blatantly allowing marrying a young girl who still "didn't even get her period," have sex w her, divorce her and apply idda , all where she might be still just 6 years old !
I wish my gf would just chill the fuck out.
Its all in the hips
Which Anime was this for you?
I started playing mmorpg by influence of NHK now I'm fucked
WTF is going on with Instagram reels
Randeep Hooda better than so called next gen stars. And probably deserves highest accolades. Your thoughts?
To touch someone else’s woman
Touching someone else’s woman
Who Is Coming To Save You
Which Bollywood movie is this?
Jai Bhavani, Jai Shivaji
I hate wearing the hijab
Guys, I'm going to leave the mod team for now.
How it’s going..
My instagram account got permanently disabled
My best friend of 7 years came out as bisexual and confessed, sent me his pics
I got banned on WhatsApp, does that affect my Facebook and Instagram?