These measuring spoons.
Maybe maybe maybe
This is so funny and sad at the same time 😂😞
To build a snowman🎶
ULPT What is the healthiest addiction to have, that still would have some sort of bad side effect?
maybe maybe maybe
I feel like r/facepalm is cheating at this point
John oliver gave me this and told me to spend it here, so every comment with no replies gets awarded
Let's talk healthy boundaries ✨ (credits-art by archbudzar)
Huge triceps?
[product question] Do caffeine under eye serums make your dark circles worse when you stop using them?
To rob a ufc fighter
Man tries to rob woman – finds out the hard way that she's a UFC fighter
Just another normal day with the boys.
Who'd you gift this to?
Irina Gladkaya, the 13-time female world champion arm wrestler takes on the men of Muscle Beach, Miami
Man protects waifu from hornet
Seriously? Worst analogy of all time.
That's the cutest sock.
looking for something to get rid of redness and improve uneven skin tone
Their reactions.
Metal Master. The gym goes to him for a workout.