My Partner was Fired from his PhD During his Third Year. Advice Needed.
What are some positive things you do after accepting that you just can’t sleep?
Goodbye ThredUp
The overlap of neurodivergence and peri-menopause.
What are my bathroom walls secreting?
Dialga and palkia raid you have to be able to do both!! 3449 6648 8695
Political Involvement in Iowa feels off this cycle
Is there a website to check scientific paper credibility?
Student Innovation Center/Howe Hall v.s. Carver Hall
Mega Rayquaza will add 10: 802699230250
Mega Ray invites (I have locals)
Pokemon Go
Anyone like swing dancing? (Other than CSS club)
How to adjust to college life here at Iowa State
Pheromosa Raid with two locals 7301 0215 6582
Turnover day?
Voting in home state elections as an out of state student
Giving up on school
My girlfriend won't stop releasing Shiny Pokemon.
Should I throw out my shiny bad pokemon for more storage? Are shinies really that valuable?
Has Alexis changed tho??
English314 or 309?
Looking for a group who can at least do 10 Groudon Raids.
Buzzwole raid 15 minutes after the hour
Mega rayquaza 1331 7827 9559