Is this a replica?
This hurts my brain
New to apartment living
What is this? Do I contact my landlord about this?
New employee isn’t having federal taxes withheld from paycheck, payroll manager says it’s not her problem.
People think anyone can go into nursing!!! (they can't)
Buyer is scamming me 🥲
The guilt of not knowing - Airport formula and diaper scam
Black women owned undergarment shop?
recommendations for reasonable wellness retreats in california or arizona?
His other daughter can't believe the audacity
AITA For Telling My Girlfriend I Have Every Right To Defend My Home After Someone Started Kicking My Door In
No tip needed
“Greasy” hair immediately after shower
Do your clients do this?
What would your reason be for ever holding back an orgasm?
Ordered a cake for my father’s birthday
In honor of Christmas: ER workers, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen in the ER on Christmas Day?(boxing day and Christmas Eve also work)
MK Giveaway: Evoworks Evo80 Keyboard
Black Alternative hairstylist in Houston
Scared to leave, scared to stay.
I 24M confronted my GF 22F about her not posting me on her socials despite having dated me for over a year. Is it a red flag?
AITA for refusing to move out of my room for my stepbrother?
To be honest
I (F25) can't afford my boyfriend (M30) This is taking a toll on my finances, how do I bring it up without seeming greedy?