So what are we thinking about this?
Hey spirits, what should I name my first born child
Wie sieht, für gewöhnlich, eure Routine nach dem Sex aus? Liegt ihr noch längere Zeit rum?
Kids decided to make me breakfast. I pray they never Google this.
I wish you were a ____
I hate ____
Help, how do I get rid of an unwanted boner
You seriously eat _____? What a weirdo.
What are your character death predictions?
As are hardcore Coldplay fan, is this shirt too far out there to wear at their concert?
What do you think about this?
How to get different fruit?
About the 3DS online shutdown
Play with meee
i (22f) have vaginismus and feel lost because my boyfriend (24m) is pressuring me
Lehrermangel aus der Sicht einer MS-Lehrerin
This season was.....horrible.
Where’s my 23 trophies?
Was macht ihr wenn ihr hart schüchtern seid und euch einsam fühlt?
Wäre es irgendwie möglich Arnold Schwarzenegger zu machen?
Bitte helft uns den Adler wieder in seine richtige Form zu bringen
Servus Österreich
How to get bugs out of hair
to have a nice and peaceful stroll
I noticed something in the end