Epson Ecotank EPSON ET-2720 ink pad reset totally free
MiniDV Transfer
Final Cut Pro 11 & Plugins?
Titles / Generators pane doesn't work!
In Macos which media player do you prefer, VLC vs IINA? why? For me playing films in iina seems to make the battery last longer and it also allows me to change the subtitle size manually (not just using presets) so it has now become my favorite best macos media player.
Does anyone knows some free cool Mac apps?
Is possible to have a Time Machine disk over the home network?
Need help with this issue… cannot save changes
Workflow for a good color correction and HDR
HDR Issues When Exporting
Can you recommend an SSD drive for editing?
error 10004 and error (-12909). on every project export
Unable to export ProRes 4k (error -12905)
What does this mean? The title generator isn’t working. I don’t understand. I thought this mean can’t locate source, but it can locate it. When I drag over the clip, this pops up