If I were to assign certain Michael Jackson songs to a genre.
The other two outfits will vanish forever. 🤔
LeBron reenacting AR's crossover alley-oop
What I created in ceramics class. 💜💜💜
I saw this at Hot Topic and I just HAD to buy it!
Halloween 6 cosplay *note* probably will do another pic with my axe later down the line.
Eliminate the album (semi-finals)
What is the T-Shirt called that MJ’s wearing?
Just imagine if this happened in the Minus One sequel.
My concept of Michael Jackson The Experience 2.
What's the most badass godzilla imaged yall have?
(What if…?) In 1987 Toho Pictures releases the Heisei era “Godzilla Vs. Kong Kong”.
Who would you consider the most underrated Godzilla monster here?
Kanye West - YITLER
What's your hottest MJ take?
What's an opinion about Prince that will have you like this?
Do you all think these shoes will ever return due to their short run on the YEEZY website?
Who's A Character You've Always Wanted To See Fight Godzilla?
What Kaiju do you think that the “Minus One” director Takashi Yamazaki will choose knowing that he said that he wants more “Legendary” Kaiju in the sequel?
A Child’s Play and Chucky opinion that would have you in this situation?
My ranking of all of Ye’s albums. I don’t see myself changing this up either. (MY OPINION) don’t get triggered.
It’s actually sad if you go to this post and see how many people in the comments are saying “who this nigga?” And “who the fuck is Prince?” And more is CRAZY. I’m 16 and I know who Prince is but I guess it’s because I had cool ass parents.
Resurrection has been put in 12th place, which movie is going in 11th?
How much money did Michael Jackson make off of Eminem when he bought his catalog
What is your MJ deep cut?