Vegan ramen
Trump set to ban people from 43 countries from travelling to the US including Russia and Belarus - with nations warned they will stay on banned list 'if governments do not address deficiencies within 60 days'
Suggestions on low carb food
Any vegans out here?
Italian Americans who over exaggerate when pronouncing Italian words
How to walk more than 8000 steps?
For anyone who has worked at an American-Chinese takeout restaurant, how are the chicken wings prepared especially for large-scale cooking where breading to order may be difficult? Recipes and techniques are appreciated.
Just enjoying a burger before cooking for Thanksgiving
Roast my ramen
~35g of protein per burrito🤤
Product suggestions for sensitive skin
This is unacceptable
Do you rinse the omija when preparing omija cheong?
Is 4 Euros of coffee expensive in a scenic area like Tibet?
How to learn from a book
University Canteen Tonkotsu Chashu Ramen
Are there any other East Asian Herbal Teas other than Barley Tea?
Visited to see if I should move here, got attacked and robbed in broad daylight
Need help finding a recipe for Cantonese Beef and Potatoes. I’ve been wanting to experiment with making it since I had it in HK some months ago.
Salty doujiang (soy milk) youtiao dabing (fried Chinese donut wrapped in scallion flatbread) - a proper breakfast in Hangzhou!
Where do I find organically local grown/imported frozen blueberries that are hygienically produced and packaged?
Making History! Zheng Qinwen Defeats World No. 1 to Reach Women's Singles Final
This Is What The Olympics Are All About (North and South Korea) - Wish I Could Find the Original Photo
Why aren't Indian and Mexican food popular here exactly?