Is it really not possible to just be a kink?
Has anyone kept their name?
I prefer my gooning to be ethical and without slurs, thank you very much
I’m trans but I’m not but I am but I’m not but…
how do i undo male socialization and act more feminine
does my boy mode still work?
This outfit gave me dyshoria
22[tF NB] "One thing is for sure. You never get what you expect."
Trump is unleashing anti-trans hysteria onto the world [The Guardian]
I like taking chest pictures apparently
I've been thinking about detransitioning
I wrote a (short!) essay about trying my first wig and looking in the mirror
I want to test out the name Raven. Can you talk to me with that name?
To the girls who didn't "always know", how do you know now?
Weirdest reason you thought you couldn’t possibly be a woman/trans?
Sorry, can't decide how to dress going to a classical concert, can you advice? Or another top maybe? Difficult after 76 years as a boy!
Came out to my best friend… ouch
As European Trans person I would be scared to travel to USA the same way I would be scared to travel to Russia
Elevating My (34F) Style
Hear Me Out
How do I know if I’m really trans or just overthinking it?
Would 2 weeks on HRT be enough to tell if it's for me?
Was anyone else awakened to their gender during COVID?
I cant stop touching my thighs
should i gain or loose weight during hrt?