This is the worst thing I've ever read and the craziest thing is...
This might one of the most edgiest comics I've ever read in my life and seriously have no idea why it was made and what it's purpose in life is
blursed hoodie
[MTF] Share Your Experiences with hormone therapy!
Kravens Last Hunt or The Superior Spider-Man?
I'm probably missing something but can't batman never ever kill?
Beat his argument and the zombies
What superhero is most commonly referred to as their actual name more than their superhero name?
Trying to impress your wedding guests
"MeN iN wOmEn's sPoRtS" these people don't give a flying fuck about women's sports they just hate trans women
[Unknown to English] what does this say
Would you want to see an animated, comic-accurate TV show of The Boys that faithfully adapts the original comic?
Is just me or are dark skinned girls somehow sexualized more in anime and if so why?
What did she sees?
Give me a trash Anime I mean the worst anime you've ever seen no hold bared
Ik most if not everyone says to start with Brian Michael Bendis's ULTIMATE Spider-Man but I something I wanna know before I get into it
What if the Fantastic Four were the FRAUDULENT FOUR (by diz_korall_DB)
AI getting out of hands
How do you guys hide boners?
R/TrueChristian as an atheist I got a question for y'all and that why do Christians never seem to read the full entire Bible?
[Japanese to English] what does this say?
I hate my mom and family how do I leave them?