Navigating Hypocrisy: America's "Freedom of Navigation" Double Standard
Not sure how I like this design
Shut up and buy
Light Switch Stopper
Found stuck to a shelf in the bread aisle at Walmart
Beware - Great Depression 2.0 is coming. Consider yourself duly warned.
Found in r/sticker ,what the Actual Freak
of a skin tag
Obama’s puppet
No to fascism retro sticker
of a block of cheese.
The largest mall in my country but it is very empty
“Be Afraid, There Is Dozens Of Us!”
Protest outside a republican event, Maumee
Lightning revealing the silhouette of dense black cloud
Last one out, not another person in sight…
Struck by train while walking down the tracks...he was deaf
The back fell off, now what?
Random unreachable parking spaces
Don't post anything negative here. The mods will take it down.
Their obsession with Nazis is so strange...
This is what cognitive dissonance looks like.
70% of recycled plastic is actually just burned
Lemon truck purchase help
Libtarded lol