If you could choose the very next hero to be added, who would you pick?
The character you wanted to main vs the character you actually main
“Double Portions”
In your opinion should we get a tank that could fly do deal with flying characters and a healer that could fly?
How To Counter Dive Characters 100%
Why is spiderman being banned in almost every match?
Is There an Effective Way/ Tips to Counter Magik as a Non Flying DPS?
No, I won't switch off rocket.
So you’re telling me someone is driving 69 miles for 128$ on roadie?
Would you do such orders ( Why / Why Not ) ?
I’m tired of being gaslit by players about the current state of Winter Soldier
In your opinion who has the greatest ult in Rivals?
The ranked matchmaking in this game is actually a joke
Deleted the app
Been on the wait list since September 30th last year
Hopefully motivate you guys!
Bucky is unbelievably cracked 💀
Bucky is a valid ban and I don’t see why some people are surprised
What did you learn the hard way about approaching women?
What is the max you can reasonably expect to earn in this line of work?
As a Rocket main, I'm done with the toxicity
Halo Was Never Just a Game, It Was a Feeling. How Do We Bring That Back?
Winter Soldier is broken and needs a nerf.
Does anyone have proof that MR uses EOMM
Considering applying for DeliverThat & Frayt