For married people, How often do you kiss your spouse post marriage? Does the romance decrease as time goes by
Is this guy a narcissist? Can I stay in this marriage?
My husband needs an award for not being physically violent with me.
My partner literally laughed while I was in tears.
Do indians find multilingualism impressive? How many languages does the average indian speak?
I am stuck in a loveless marriage with a narcissist. Need advice
My husband is telling me to get a boyfriend instead of divorce
Husband tells me that I should just get a boyfriend instead of a divorce
Is your spouse your best friend?
New marriage. No intimacy, No emotional connection. Living like roommates.
Marriage unconsummated for more than a year. What are my options?
Do Narcs Celebrate Tou
I am stuck in a loveless marriage with a narcissist. Marriage unconsummated for 1.5 years and now I am slipping into depression.