More proof they couldn’t care less about the environment.
That 15 MPG is impressive.
Nobody thinks you’re a woman…
There was a time we would consider this tabloid…not in these time.
Works here too right?
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds
With all the other made up or self diagnosed mental conditions out there this one actually makes sense.
I got banned from another subreddit for being involved in this subreddit…
Green flames rise from manhole covers on Texas Tech campus. Buildings are being evacuated.
They really are the biggest racists on the planet.
OP Super Weird
Don’t know much about paper currency but I know condition can be a factor. That said, is there anything special about this or is it just a 1953 Series A?
Every word out of the Democrat traitor’s mouths are lies. I’ve said it many times, never trust a Democrat.
Wow mccarthy was right
Climate change…the biggest money laundering scheme in human history.
The face of today's Democrat Party. JFK is turning over in his grave.
Canucks are polite, not nice. Big difference.
I don’t think the word BOYCOTT means what you think it means
I’m pretty sure boycotts are legal.
The supposed “new” face of liberalism.
Wonder who’s responsible for this? I bet we all know.
Most of Reddit right now.
It all makes sense now.
Jesus it’s all starting to make sense now.