What’s a single scene that perfectly sells a TV show to a new viewer—without giving away any spoilers?
Camping on Ben Macdui during Storm Darragh
How safe is wild camping for beginners in the winter?
XC60 ECM issue
Which RMM tool would you chose?
Isn't Tebay services on the M6 brilliant? Nearly wept with joy when I cut this Scotch Egg open.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ ‘Under The Cloak Of War’ Director Reveals Multiple Scenes Were Filmed For Big Moment
Where is one place you will never go to?
Sysadmin Sub Dilution
Lake District this weekend
Snake woodland
Hilleburg Allak 3 vs Fjallraven Keb Dome 3
Bag Upgrade
Community for Players Too Nervous to Try Dungeons or Raids
Mountain camp vs. Woodland/lakeside camp
Do you guys ever blackout at work when you log into a Cisco device and “show run” and as the text scrolls by you see username enable…
Cranius, WoW music legend who made songs such as Big Blue Dress and Darrowshire, has just uploaded his first new WoW music video in over a decade. It's like straight out of 2007 and it's great!
Volvo overland vehicle created by AI
Have the Devs ever said why they want players to walk after a wipe in Raid?
Stuck in a dress. Please help. I've tried relogging, using a toy to change my clothes, and using a toy to turn into a gnome. Nothing works.
What marketing buzzwords do tech companies use that you most abhor?
What was the tech fight from your era you remember the most?
Wanted loot, not sadness :(
Oh well, time to server hop then!
i decided to give my car a name but I have no idea what name any ideas? ( the top comment decides how i name it)