I created a new whatsapp channel today for those interested!
do any y'all have whatsapp?
Orchestra April Fool’s Ideas?
pirouette drills? *beginner
what was your worst case of sending a text to the wrong person?
beginner put into intermediate foundation ?class?
favorite motivational quote by a composer/performer/conductor?
new subreddit for advanced pianists???
I finally got my braces off!
Getting warmer
I legit thought for a sec it was eddy
I still can't believe this is happening...
Anyone else?
Pianists help!!
Performance anxiety - my experience
Piano gang what do we think of this? #Trynottoflinch #trynottocringe
Simply true
"sIgHt ReAdiNg iS EasY"
Tips for “strengthening” ring fingers?
I need a fast, showy, piece to play for my piano recital.
Crazy stupid fast warm up ideas
What is chopin's easiest nocturne?
What do you like to play to warm-up?
Liszt Liebestraum no 3 or Chopin Etude 25/1?