my first PC,is this cool
Why am I losing 35 bucks to swap 500 dollars to sol?
🦇 January Pick-ups 🦇
Ultimate xmen or New Xmen
The Omnibuses I Have (So Far)
Which books should I read before spider geddon
F**k Scalpers - Prismatic Binder give-away.
What niche collections do you have ?
Gf pulled a neat misprint
Okay lads I’ve finally maxed him out what do I name him
Subs started making my truck act up
Roast my setup
No more guitar for me
What game are you most looking forward to in the coming months?
Genuine question. What should i spend my rare candies on?
Is this rare? /s
Alrighty boys, here she is
Can someone help explain how cool this is to my boyfriend?
Never made this much money before in my life- and I’d appreciate some advice?
Package stuck in Henderson CO?
Should I return my guitar
Looking for a new anime
Chat, Is my brother cooked?
Can't wait to start building my new PC
Can't link Trainer Club account for times research