Anyone else sick of the complaints on frame combiners?
I had my first rave experience lately- a rave cruise, actually, and I wore Lapfox shirts on two of the days I was there and nobody except me and my friend knew what Lapfox was 😭 I had to explain to most people I met about it- anyone else relate?
I've resolved to eat more slowly, but my food gets cold.
How do people breathe in pooltoy fursuits?
Does HL1 have music? If so, i never knew that before. I'm on my 4th playthrough.
Is it ok if I’m a man, and my fursona is a woman?
Working on not hating my body
The fall of syria's dictator but I put "PROSELYTISM" by TQBF over it as it happens
Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.
Advice please: discussing genital boundary with trans hookup partner
Lizard Cult: Lore and Background
Dating post-op min depth trans woman?
Humanity Vs No Boats
Can Eli Vance Be Saved?
Why are people furries?
2x Vagabond Vs Mechanical Marquis?
drop your lapfox/halley labs hot takes:
So what do we think happened to Scourge’s face?
Does anyone know any sapphic/lesbian spaces in Brighton?
if "hypothetically" half life 3 dropped how much would it cost on steam ?
First turn, crows delete my Keep. I grit my teeth and quietly build up while the rest tries to stop birds from winning, manage to snatch victory in the end. Kinda proud of this one.
which lapfox song?
which smiths song?
What is , in your opinion, the overall, hardest, most challenging, most stressful, most spontaneous, most keyboard smashing, and difficult chapter in the entire franchise
Mail day
I don't think CDPR thinks anyone will try this in the ending