Spookston Health Update
Gaijin forwards RDF/LT manufacturer data as a "suggestion"
No, you didn’t get banned by AI. No, you don’t get banned from spam reporting.
Gaijin has so many hstvl like tanks to add yet they arent adding a single one, not to mention that the hstvl is missing HE VT, optical tracking and its penetration is inccorect
20 more tanks i would like to see in war thunder (part 3)
"Why do I die to CAS every time?" -Spookston
Quick Video of the HSTV-L vs spall liners
Spookston : A song of CAS and balance
Good time to get on Gaijin's back about the HSTV-L again?
M1A2 SEPv2 limited to only M829A2
Is there some technical reason the LOSAT's missiles control nearly the same way every other missile vehicle did before the missile change that made most missile vehicles almost useless?
who else would love to see a M551 with a 76 mm gun in the game?
I had an idea to fill the US TD line just a tad more with some good SPGs since the US didn't get any.
Spookston Bingo revised as per your recommendations
Spookston Bingo Card
Is the HSTV-L this bad or are russian tanks this broken?
How does one find success on war thunder YouTube with out copying larger creators?
spookston if you see this i love you
How the marketplace reacts to a new Spookston video
Why does spookston love this thing so much?
Hi everyone, I did this AMC 35 (fan?) art with the fox like guys from the april fool 2021 (if im not wrong) and of course if we say it’s a Spookston fanart I would not be mad haha, hope u guys like it and if u have idea for the next drawing ? :)
The slop has spread
first post and decided to use the favourite tanks template by u/whywinkyspidertaken
HSTV-L got another BR increase, 4 months ago was at 10.7 now is 11.3