If Bryan, who was born in 1860, had beaten McKinley in 1896, he would’ve been the first President to be elected in his 30s.
Unpopular Opinions thread..
If there was a second Civil War over the 1876 election, who would be in a better position to win?
How long every president would live if they lived to be the age of Jonathan the tortoise, the oldest living animal in recorded history.
Which Presidents do/do not deserve to have their images rehabilitated, such as the work the Nixon Foundation does?
Which losing presidential candidate ran the best campaign and which losing presidential candidate ran the worst campaign
What if William Jennings Bryan won the 1896 election?
I have seen people claim that Andrew Johnson’s presidency still negatively affects the United States till this day,but I just want to know, How does it still have a negative effect to this day ?
Had gore won in 2000, would people rally behind him and the democrats after 9/11? More importantly, would republicans?
What is one good thing that Andrew Johnson did while President? (NO JOKE ANSWERS)
who would you have voted for in the 1984 election and which state are you from?
Who would/did you vote for in 1976 and what state are you from? You can comment or use the google form in my comment.
Would Huey Long have eventually become president had he not been assassinated?
Who would you vote for in the 1988 US presidential election and what state are you from.?
what if biden said the hard r on live tv
I'm at a loss for words
Have politics always been this insane?
Which President was the best person?
Project for school .
How different would America be if Huey Long was elected president in 1936?
If MVB began hating slavery sp much in his post presidency why didn’t he join the Whigs or the GOP?
If you could vote in 1968, who would you vote for and what state are you from.
"Donald Trump? Kamala Harris? Make America Great Again? We Are Not Going Back? Jesse, What The Fuck Are You Talking About?" | 2024 In Another America (TWSSB)
Would a president be allowed to be reelected for a different party nowadays?
YA28E - Yet Another 2028 Election (Part 2)