Favorite band / album from every country in the world (71 countries 4 charts)
Do you like big New Standard Elite logo in the long sleeves and the eagle on the retro of the shirts? Or would you prefer a less branded print?
Could/Would I get in trouble at school for wearing this??
How's brutal mind?
Finally a Slam album without useless sound clips
What band is it?
What in the world?
Grudge Trap + Monster House
What does this mean?
Do you attribute a personality to your team's members?
What is your favorite 'secret' band (or album)?
I hatched an egg and received an item; did anyone else experience this?
oh no
What about these rare puddle rooms?
Info on the Cranial Impalement cover art other than being made by ..."Jackie"? It's quite a distinct piece.
Do people hate Waking the Cadaver's debut ??
Too much hate towards core genres
This review of PeelingFlesh is hilarious
Can someone please help me understand the Torture hype.
Who else where likes peeling flesh
What is the most “Metal” line you’ve heard in a song?
What is your favorite thing about slam?
Coolest band photo ever?
Recently screwed over by a close friend. Looking for “fuck you” music for catharsis.
Any disentomb fans 🤔