Help with starting pls
Wanting to try out miniature painting etc.
Name your favorite video game but take away one word.
Which AI should I use to transform non-human characters into custom images?
Shops in EU?
Would I live in your country? From Kuwait
Wanting to get an alter
Tell me what your favorite game
I‘m genuinely interested what you guys think my commanders say about me. :D
So happy I got one with good stats
Tell me which country are you from, and I'll rank it
Prodávám za 750kc přes PayPal
Otharri is...kinda too good?
What rules/features could be used in a rookie series?
Nechci někoho urazit! 🥸
Good deal or not? Also I would like to trade for Kalmar or Russian Empire with Shiny Congo.
Day 2 of trying to get a comment from every Sub-Division 🌎
Getting ACC
What are some countryballs you want to see added?
No 😭😭
I trade BE and India
Describe C6S1 in one word.
Anyone has Roman empire 😭😭😭