Jeep slams into box truck today ~18:00 on 405S north of Palo Verde
Thalassophobic reaction to Subnautica load in screen in VR
What's the Longest Commute You've Regularly Made from Long Beach?
What’s one country you have zero interest in visiting?
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
Steering wheel peeling on 2021.
Donald Trump Issued Impeachment Warning
Trump Golf Weekends’ Cost To Taxpayers Hits $18.2 million
Mars 5 Ultra, Elegoo 8k ABS-like. Anyone have any clue what caused this literal slice in this 10 hour print?
Lost Minnie
Anyone know what’s causing (and how to prevent) this bubbling on the bottom of the model? Thanks. Mars 5U, Elegoo ABS-like 3.0 8k.
Name Suggestions. 2 month old.
'Maui is hurting': Hawaii rolls out new plan to entice Bay Area travelers
Any idea when the infantry will be back in stock?
Ex-SPCALA volunteer here. Just wanted to confirm that it is true what the city is saying.
New to the Korps. Thoughts on this build?
I’ve had this little guy for over 12 years. It was originally just 1 and it’s slowly gotten larger and multiplied. What is it?
Dorn almost done!
Mars 5 Ultra Z-Axis Motor Access
Hell's last
Astroblasters went well today
Krieg Heavy Weapon Shield and Mounts
Heavy Weapons Team Swap
These are, to my knowledge, all characters that have appeared at the Disney Parks
Horrible or Hilarious?