My Best Friend
My Berner Got Attacked by an Uncontrolled Dog – But He Had No Idea
Looking for an SD mentor
Service design
Have you ever used a professional facilitator to drive your design sprints
Have you ever used a professional facilitator to drive your ideation/discovery or other sessions?
What is your biggest problem outside of technology
To the layoffs veterans - How do you live with the anxiety
It’s “PAID,” not “PAYED.”
Got cold pizza? Yeah, blame the robot!
Laid off again.
How do you get clients
AIO for getting upset with how my ex speaks to my 10 year old daughter?
How are you guys holding up?
Hahaha post your dog’s funniest picture! No idea how I got this 😂
Daisy getting her nails done. She is getting so big!
Thinking about my own company
What do you usually facilitate?
First two adult teeth!!!
Say hi!
Puppies first hair cut, done by me! How’d I do?
How is the market now different from 2022?
Writing user stories
How to make UX Design sound more authentic?