Update :AITA for refusing to let my mother-in-law hold my baby after she told my husband to get a paternity test?
Sirianni has to go
Left my PhD program but now cannot even get interviews for entry level anything
What was the biggest waste of money in human history?
My Mom (67) wants to play "real video games"
Still struggling with a name for my girl. It’s going on 3 weeks and nothing is sticking. I like food names but I am open to anything. She’s a spunky little girl that loves to talk
Phone use during work
What should I say if HR asks me to confirm my current salary
How to respond to "four jobs in 8 years, why?"
Man who made an AI that predicted the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia says there will be an alien invasion on December 3rd 2024
Got laid off last Friday company is asking me to return one week later
Small screen and flickering game
Made redundant & new manager wants me to train my colleagues. This feels humiliating.
How to answer "Do you think you're the best candidate for the job "
Quitting my job: how many weeks' notice should I give if I dislike the company?
You are granted a one time use ability for 30 min. Everything you touch is legally yours. Where and how do you use this?
Me: I hope I get good tempo on my first trinket. Yogg's wheel: I got you fam
Does anyone else here see a decrease in good customer service ?
Why don’t all jobs just list the damn salary range ?
Why do all companies have terrible Glassdoor ratings?
AITA for Refusing to Let ‘Karen’ Neighbor Use My Pool After She Demanded I Follow Her Pool Rules?
Employer was disappointed I didn’t give them a two week notice (I gave 10 days) even though they didn’t allow me to give my previous employer one.
You just won the Powerball lottery. What game, released before 2012, are you immediately funding the remake for?
AITAH for refusing to give up my vacation days so my coworker can go on her honeymoon?
With the addition of Karl Anthony Towns, are the Knicks the unquestionable top threat to the Boston Celtics now in the East? What would you rate their chances against Boston in a 7 game series?