How important is it to move out of your hometown/city?
Hey fellow dads! I need some feedback- I am building a blog site for dads that will teach skills from axe restoration and bushcraft with a hatchet to family leadership. Would this interest you personally or no?
Married men of reddit. What chores do you do around/outside the house? On average how much time a week would you say you spend on them?
Dads who cook: How to build a habit?
Are men actually attracted to (fit) women when they’re all sweaty after a workout? Or is he just telling me that to say the “correct” thing?
What's your favourite show to watch at the moment? We are 3 episodes into Yellowstone and are hooked!
What're your thoughts on pierced nipples? Yay or nah ?
Buying candles, bath stuff and goth stuff
I (F23) got off BC pills but now bf (M 24) of 2 years refuses sex bc he has to wear a condom. Is this reasonable?
Men who decided to end things, at what point did you know it was time
Tell me your a dad without saying your a dad
Dear men, when was the list time you received a compliment?
How mature would you say you were you at 24-25?
You guys think dating a single mother is okay
What's your Dad like?
Do you use ChatGPT? If so, is it sporadically or on the daily? And for what do you use it the most?
If you quit your job today, how long could you survive on your savings?
Are you living up to your reddit username? If so how?
Do low quantities of alcohol affect your mood?
Account Production Software
Start up bank accounts bundled with accounts software
How old are you & how many people have you slept with?
Self Assessment: Working from home
In a post-apocalyptic world, what would your job be? Would it stay about the same, shift, or would you need to learn a new skill altogether?