Describe the type of guy you are attracted to?
time? Be kind - I am 73
If you had an option to not be gay anymore would you take it?
What continent/ country are most of you guys from?
Best Christmas episode?
It’s Christmas Eve! What are your plans?
If modern medicine didn’t exist would you be dead right now? If yes, from what?
What do gay people want most for Christmas this year?
What's the most comforting TV show you've rewatched multiple times and why ?
I‘m tired of it
What food tastes so good that it tastes bad?
Have you guys ever hooked up with a cheater on Grindr before? If so, how was the experience?
What do you hate about your life?
Tops, what is the freakiest shit you’ve done with a bottom?
I got stood up today
What fashion trend do you wish would die?
Just going to leave this here
What TV show do you turn on for background noise that brings you comfort?
Dating sucks and hurts.
What's something that you find sexual but most people don't?
This got me good 🥹🥹
I'm curious, where's everybody from?
I have no gay friends
Give me some quotes that a dude has said to you in the middle of hooking up that just killed the mood for you.
What's your favourite Non-English way of saying "Cheers" ?