First Kabalite wip
I am going to end it.
Can’t decide on a colour scheme, which one do you prefer?
Rate my visarch
My friend insulted me because of what I ate, is it that bad ?
BarbBomb Idea
What do people normally put in suicide notes?
more bugs please 😊
Thoughts on an aerial roaming boss?
AITA for inviting my friend's ex to my wedding?
AITA for snapping at a grieving person
Dear Leandros
i wanna play nids but sneaky. any suggestions?
Bro is Photo Bombing
First time ever painting
3 years of nothing at college
When you get to 'The Race' in Mafia: Definitive Edition, feel free to vent here...
Hog Rider Too Strong?
Mega Knight Evo????
What is the best troop to be in a transport?
I installed this game and it left me screaming and crying and I uninstalled it. Ask me anything.
What could an infantryman realistically defeat in close combat in the 40K universe? T’au firewarrior I suppose?
Guybrush tall tales are kinda bad
How do you get a court of the archon?