What would an equivalent lens be for 4:3?
What lens would work for 4:3 look
What lens would work for 4:3?
What iPhone lens would work for this
I film with a iPhone, what lens could I use for 4:3
What lens would u recommend for this
What lens would you recommend for this
What lights would I need to achieve this?
What lights would you buy?
What lights should I buy?
Lighting as a beginner!
What lights would you recommend
Lighting as a beginner
Lighting question
Lighting as a noob
I suck at lighting
Stepping back for a bit
better start: Proper camera + lens or iPhone 15 Pro?
Moment Lenses & Filter
How can I improve?
Would you recommend any lenses or filters?
how would you go about auto focus when creating film like content?
What would you do if you were a beginner like me?